Below are links to all the free printable resources currently available in my TPT store. Go check them out!
Free Science and Nature Study Resources
Nutrient Cycle Pack
Learn all about decomposers and the nutrient cycle with this free 5-page printable pack!
4 Seasons Tree
Choose a tree in your yard or near your home to observe during the year. Record your observations as the seasons change on this printable 4 Seasons Tree!
Weather Tracking Sheet
Track temperature, rainfall, clouds type, and wind direction with this printable weather tracker. This resource makes a great addition to any weather unit.
Grab one here.
Garden/Plant Journaling Sheet
Use this journaling sheet to take notes about plants in your garden or plants you come across on your outdoor adventures.
Grab one here.
Fall Scavenger Hunt
Get outside and enjoy the beautiful fall weather with this fall themed scavenger hunt!
Grab one here.
Pumpkin Plant Anatomy Diagram and Worksheet
Learn about the anatomy of a pumpkin plant with this printable diagram and fill-in-the-blank coloring sheet.
Grab one here.
Owl Digestion Diagram
This printable owl digestion diagram is perfect for owl pellet dissections and bird studies.
Grab it here.
Feather Anatomy Worksheet
A cut and paste worksheet for learning about bird feather anatomy.
Grab one here.
Solar System Coloring/Watercolor Pack
Color or watercolor your way through the solar system with these solar system coloring/watercolor sheets. These are perfect for learning about the surface features of the planets.
This pack includes a coloring/watercolor sheet for each planet, the sun, the Galilean moons, and the dwarf planets. It also includes a solar system fact sheet and recommendations for additional resources for learning about the solar system.
Grab it here.
Butterfly Lifecycle Coloring Sheet
Learn all about the butterfly lifecycle with this coloring sheet.
Grab one here.
Layers of the Rainforest Cut and Paste Worksheet
Cut and paste worksheet for learning about the layers of the Amazon Rainforest and the animals that live there.
Grab one here.
How Penguins Stay Warm and Dry Activity
Learn about how penguins stay warm and dry in the frigid waters around Antarctica with this simple coloring activity.
Grab it here.
12 Month Phenology Wheel
Use this 12 month printable phenology wheel to record your monthly nature observations.
Grab it here.
Birds of Central and North Texas Checklist
A checklist of birds commonly seen in central and north Texas.
Grab one here.
Weather TreeTrack the weather with this printable 30/31 day weather tree. Each leaf is numbered to correspond with a day of the month. Assign colors for each type of weather on the key. Observe the weather each day and fill in the corresponding leaf with the color(s) chosen to represent the type of weather observed.
Grab a 31 day tree here.
Grab a 30 day tree here.
Other Free Resources
Weather and Calendar Wheels Set
Use this weather and calendar wheels set to teach your preschooler about days of the week, months of the year, and the changing seasons.
Grab a set here.
Emoji Math Puzzles
Emoji math puzzles are a fun way to practice pre-algebra skills!
I have two sets of puzzles, grab them here: set 1, set 2.
Democratic Republic of the Congo Activity Pack
This pack includes a Deocratic Republic of the Congo flag coloring sheet, a label the map sheet, and an animals of the Congo Rainforest coloring sheet.
Grab it here.
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