Nature study often gets looked over in the winter time. It's cold, many animals are tucked away hibernating, and the trees have lost their leaves, but there are still so many amazing things to be learned from the natural world, even this time of year. Below are some of my favorite winter nature study activities and resources: Winter Nature Study Activities Look at snowflakes under a microscope- This activity works best if you chill your microscope and slide for a few minutes before you try to view snowflakes, otherwise your equipment will just melt the flakes. Birdwatching- Bird watching is a fun activity any time of year! Here are my favorite resources for bird identification: - The Merlin Bird ID app : This app is amazing and allows you to ID birds by physical description, song, or photo. - The Audubon Online Bird Guide - The Golden Field Guide's Birds of North America Learn about animal tracks- Winter snow and mud provides the perfect medium for animal tracks. This online g...