Watching live animal cams can be a great way to observe and learn about animals you wouldn't usually have the chance to see up-close. In this post I share about some of my family's favorite live animal cams on YouTube. Bald Eagle Cams Bald eagle cams are really cool! It is so fun to watch the process of laying and incubating eggs, and then the raising of the eaglets after they hatch. We have several pairs that we watch regularly during breeding season. - The Big Bear Bald Eagles Live Nest Cam The Big Bear Bald Eagle Cam is positioned on the nest of Jackie and Shadow, a breeding pair of wild bald eagles in Big Bear, California. This pair typically lays eggs in January, so the best months to watch this particular cam is January through June. - The Southwest Florida Eagle Cam In this region eggs are typically layed in November or December, so the best months to watch this cam are November through April. - The NEFL Eagle Cam This cam is positioned on the nest of a wild pair of ba...