With so many people considering alternative education programs right now, I've come across a lot of people implying that homeschooling is only doable for wealthy families. These types of comments tend to get me fired up because they simply aren't true. There are so many different ways to homeschool and so many free and affordable resources available to homeschooling families these days, that almost anyone who wants to make it happen for their family, can find a way to make it work. Where there's a will, there is a way. I should start off by saying that I understand there are some circumstances that might make homeschooling impossible for some families, like those with certain custody agreements, and single parents who have no support system. For the most part though, if you want to educate your kids at home, there is a way to make it work. I personally know several single parents living on fairly low incomes, who have found ways to home educate their kids. It All Boils Dow...