My 4th grader asked to learn about birds this year, so I started searching around for a good curriculum kit. I didn't find anything that looked like it would work for us, so I set out to put together my own bird study. I wrote a series of blog posts sharing about what we covered and the activities and resources we ended up using for each sub topic. Below are links to each of those posts. If you would like a printable version of a bird unit study, I have one available here: All About Birds Printable Unit Study . What Makes a Bird a Bird? Birds are a fascinating group of animals that have adapted to live in a wide variety of habitats. They can be found on every continent on Earth, from the hot dry savannas of Africa to the frozen tundra of Antarctica. They are a highly varied group, but t here are several characteristics that all birds share, regardless of habitat or diet: -All birds are vertabrates, which means they have a backbone. Birds also have a lightweight bu...