My kids requested to learn about space this year, so we started with a unit study about our moon. In this post I share some fun facts about the moon and lots of activity ideas and resources so that you can easily put together your own moon unit to do with your kids. You can grab my 14 page All About the Moon Printable Pack to go along with your unit study here: All About the Moon Printable Unit Study Pack . Fun Facts About the Moon: -The moon is roughly a quarter the size of the Earth and it is an average distance of 238,855 miles from Earth. (It's actual distance depends on where it is in it's orbit of our planet) -Scientists aren't sure how the moon formed. One popular theory is that it was formed from the debris expelled from the Earth after it was hit with a mars sized object. -The moon is our planet's only natural satellite. Some planets like Mercury and Venus don't have any. Jupiter has 79 (that we know of). -The moon doesn't produce any light of it...