Rockhounding is a term for the the non professional study and collection of rocks and minerals found in a natural environment. Rock collecting is a fun and simple way to get your kids outside and moving and it's an excellent way to teach them about local geology. It's a hobby my dad shared with my siblings and myself when we were kids and now I love doing it with my own kids. In this post I will share how to put together your own rockhounding kit and some tips for getting started. Putting Together Your Rockhounding Kit: Your rockhounding kit can be pretty simple and doesn't require anything too expensive. You will need: -A box of some type for storing specimens in. An old shoe box or cigar type box will work great. -A small shovel -A small hammer or rock pick -A spray bottle and a toothbrush for cleaning specimens. -An old colander for sifting through sand and dirt. -A Rock and Mineral Journal (you can grab a printable one here ) How To Rockhound: O...